Olive is a sweet elementary school boy who is afraid to go to school on Valentine’s Day. . .because he thinks he’ll have to get married! Olive’s mom joins in his fight to defeat the “princess of love,” but along the way he learns an even bigger lesson, discovering the true meaning of love.
Olive and the Valentine’s Spell is an inspiring children’s book for all ages that shines a humorous light on Valentine’s Day and overcoming your fears.
My Thoughts:
As a mom, there are a lot of "firsts" that I can think of when it comes to my boys. When they were little, like Olive, they had more than they do now as teenagers, but they still sometimes come with big imaginations and fears. Even as an adult, I personally experience fears when it comes to new and the unknown!
The story and illustrations flow well for parents, grandparents, caregivers, and other loved ones can read an expressive story while capturing their attention. I always love a story that includes a variety of well-defined characters through which a unique personality shines. This book does exactly that!
I also loved the closeness you feel between Olive and his mom. I hope that this book can be used by many to encourage that type of relationship with their kids' loved ones! As adults, we forget that it's important to talk about our fears, thus lessening the power they have over us. This is a great reminder for all ages!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from iRead Book Tours. All opinions are my own.
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About the Author:

Children’s author Helen Millman is a loving wife and mom. Her three young boys continually inspire her with their wild adventures and vivid imaginations. They even helped inspire her to write her new book, Olive and the Valentine’s Spell!
While living in Vero Beach, FL, she spends her time writing, reading, singing, and growing through her life’s experiences. She knows the importance of “seeing the bright side of life” and encourages her readers to “choose love, even when it seems impossible”. A friendly, optimist Helen has always loved to read to her own children and remembers how much her imaginative voices really helped bring the stories to life. She invites her readers to gather with a beloved book, for it truly is one of the best places to snuggle, giggle, imagine, and make unforgettable memories - together.